The Septic Services Gazette

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What is a Septic Tank

Categories: Education | Septic Systems

ConcreteSepticTankIf you have a septic system then you already know you have a septic tank. But what is a septic tank and what does it do?

Here’s a brief review of the septic tank. Of course the septic tank is just one component of an entire septic system. There’s also piping, drainfield, typically a pump or aerator, and other accessories. But let’s just look at the septic tank to see what it does exactly.

First, all of your household wastewater exits your home through a pipe connected to your home’s plumbing system and flows into the septic tank. The septic tank is a buried watertight container and is typically made of concrete, fiberglass, or polyethylene. The tank holds the wastewater long enough to allow solids to settle out forming a sludge layer at the bottom of the tank. The solid waste is digested in the tank by aerobic and/or anaerobic bacteria. You can read more about this process here: Anaerobic vs Aerobic Bacteria. Oil and grease float to the surface as a scum layer.

Compartments and a T-shaped outlet in the septic tank prevent the sludge and scum from leaving the tank and traveling into the drainfield area but if allowed to buildup can cause problems that prevent the septic system from performing properly.

To prevent excessive buildup, sludge and floating scum need to be removed through periodic pumping of the septic tank. Regular inspections and pumping as necessary (generally every 3 to 5 years) are the best and cheapest way to keep your septic system in good working order.

Posted By: Mike • Posted On: November 25, 2015

How do I maintain my septic system?

Categories: Education

The question many people have when they purchase a home with a septic system is, “how do I maintain my septic system?” Some people may not even think a septic system needs to be maintained. That attitude could lead to major headaches and expenses down the line. The primary maintenance task for a septic system owner is to have their septic tank pumped on a regular basis. So let’s briefly look at that.

You should have your septic system inspected at least every 3 years by a professional and your tank pumped as recommended by the inspector (generally every 3 to 5 years). Systems with electrical float switches, pumps, or mechanical components need to be inspected more often.

Your service provider should inspect for leaks and look at the scum and sludge layers in your septic tank. If the bottom of the scum layer is within 6 inches of the bottom of the outlet tee or the top of the sludge layer is within 12 inches of the outlet tee, your tank needs to be pumped.

Remember to note the sludge and scum levels determined by your service provider in your operation and maintenance records. This information will help you decide how often pumping is necessary.

Want to read more? Download the “Homeowner’s guide to Septic Systems”

Posted By: Mike • Posted On: November 9, 2015

Union FFA Alumni Trivia Night

Categories: Community Event

FFAAlumnilogoOn November 6, the Union FFA Alumni will be holding their first Trivia Night event and Septic Services will be supporting the event by donating a gift certificate for a free pumping. The gift certificate is just one of the prizes that will be part of the event’s silent auction. The FFA Alumni event will be held at the Union High School Old Gym and proceeds from the event will benefit the Union FFA Chapter. Please join us at the event to support our local area students.

Posted By: Mike • Posted On: October 19, 2015

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